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currently loving: my handsome, adoring husband, Justin; my rambunctious two-year old Bennett; Miles & Fergi (my out of control, lovable Welsh Corgis); Netflix; a great glass of pinot grigio; free time; and, home decorating.
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Saturday, March 2, 2013

March happenings...

We got to see our little wiggle worm on the big screen (literally, a huge flat screen TV) at the ultrasound that tested for Down Syndrome and a variety of other chromosomal abnormalities.  So far so good, but I haven't heard back from the doctor's office to confirm.  The technician did say she felt extremely positive that everything looked A-OK, which was a huge relief for Justin and I!  I know with our ages, the likelihood is slim but it's nice just to know what to be prepared for.  The technicians also gave us an "educated guess" of about 70% on the sex of the baby, but since we don't know for SURE, we aren't sharing 'til our 18 week anatomy scan.  It's going to be so hard!

Here is one of the many pictures we received at the ultrasound:

Hard to tell, but that white thing by the baby's head is a hand and the technician thought he/she might be be trying to suck their thumb! So precious :)

It's still so hard for me to imagine a little human being growing inside of me but alas, one's in there! The last ultrasound we had, the baby was literally a little round circle on the screen and I didn't know what to think other than, "Cool."  How lame is that? This time, the baby has a head, neck, ten fingers and toes!  We even got to see baby Smith pointing at us so we know there are definitely fingers there!

On a NON-BABY note (it's hard for my mind to think of ANYTHING else lately), Justin built a raised garden bed and we have officially planted our first vegetable/fruit plants for the season!  Hopefully in about two months, we'll see some tomatoes, peppers and the beginning stages of watermelon!  So fun!

Beginning stages of the garden bed - it hasn't been filled with fertilizer or mulch yet, but it looks good!
'Til the next update...